Aleksandr Mxitaryan

[email protected]



65009, Одесская обл., Одесса, р-н Приморский, ул. Черняховського, дом. 4, оф. 32

I am a practicing lawyer in civil, economic and administrative cases, as well as I provide protection in criminal cases. He works as a member of a Legal Association, which has 9 lawyers and an arbitration Manager in its team.

Head of the Department of quality assurance of legal aid and professional development of lawyers of the Regional center for providing free secondary legal aid in the Odessa region

In 1999, he graduated from the Odessa state law Academy and received a full higher education in the specialty “Jurisprudence " and qualified as a lawyer. In 2000, he received a master's degree in Public service.

Has experience as a legal adviser. Since 2006, in accordance with the decision of the Odessa regional qualification and disciplinary Commission of the bar from 27.10.2006, No. 5/16 received the right to practice law.

The Regional center for providing free secondary legal assistance in the Odessa region has been working since July 2015.