Arusyak Abrahamyan

[email protected]


(513) 652-6848

Bay Area Law Group, 1390 Market St, Ste 200, San Francisco, CA 94102-5404

Arusyak  Abrahamyan  lives  and works  in  San-Francisco ( Bay  Area), California. She  graduated  from  University  of  California Berkley , School  of  Law. 

From  2015 to  present  she  works  in Bay  Area  Law  Group  as  an  attorney  in  law. She  specialized  in  family  law ,  which  is  includes: divorce  and  separation, spousal  support, child  custody, child  support,immigration law, pre  and  postnuptual  agreements  and  etc.

Her  professional  skills  includes: legal  research,litigation,contract law,international  law,corporate  law  and etc.